Wednesday, March 19, 2008


You must have heard a 'sonata' before. What ! You haven't ! Recall again. Haven't you listened to Moonlight Sonata of Beethoven before ? You might have seen The Pianist, then you might have heard it. It is one of the most famous sonata of time.

So what is a sonata ? The word sonata is derived from Italian and Latin word 'sonare' which means 'to sound'. Literally it means a played music piece. The term gained its importance in classical era and towards 19th century became a major principle of composing large scale works. It was applied to most instrumental genres and regarded as one of the fundamental methods of organizing, interpreting and analyzing concert music. Now, Sonata is a piece of music which is composed using a single instrument or solo instrument like a keyboard or violin. In classical era, it undergoes a change of being applied to many different kinds of small instrumental work either a solo instrument, or a solo instrument with piano. Though the sound of sonatas have changed since the Classical Era, 20th century sonatas still maintain the same structure and build. Some of the famous sonatas of all time are, like I already have said, Moonlight sonata(piano sonata no.14 of Beethoven), Spring(Violin Sonata No. 5
of Beethoven ), Piano Sonata No. 8 in A Minor (Mozart), Piano Sonata No. 1 in C Minor(chopin) etc.

Know more about Sonata here

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