Monday, March 31, 2008

Moby's Extreme Ways

You all must have remembered a Nokia commercial which was on TV all the time an year before. Ya, it's a Nokia N-Series TV Ad in the background of which you can listen a fast beautiful piano music and a song "in my heart". You liked the song, didn't you ? You must have tried to get that song or might have thought that the song is nothing but composed for nokia. Abra-ca-dabra, the song is of the album "18" and the artist is Moby.

Highly acclaimed for his techno music, Moby is versatile musician, singer, and lyricist. Originally named Richard Melville Hall, his nickname 'Moby' is inspired from the novel "Moby Dick". He was born in Harlem, New York, and raised in Darien, Connecticut.

In 1995 his first album "Everything Is Wrong", earned his early critical acclaim and spanned several vastly different genres of music though gained minor commercial success. Beside music, Moby is an advocate for a variety of causes. His involvement with organisation like MoveOn and Peta, influenced his later album "Animal Rights" which surprised many who never expected him to do an all-out rock record. Moby's breakthrough album was 1999's "Play". It was the first album in history to have all of its tracks commercially licensed.Play has a bluesy, down-to-earth feel, with hip-hop and other influences. It was very well-received by fans and critics alike.

Moby usually writes all his own music, occasionally with collaborators. His songs are mostly influenced by his political, environmental and religious beliefs. His music is thoughtful, honest, and inspiring, and vary widely between ambient to hard rock and techno.

Extreme Ways is second single from Moby's album "18". The track has reached a wider audience and is included in 2002 movie The Bourne Identity. I like this song for its music and moving lyrics. I was thinking to make a video using this song but the work has already been done by someone at Youtube. You can watch that video here.

Listen the song here-

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Reflections of Passion

"Reflections of Passion" is Yanni's one of the finest composition according to me. The album, also titled Reflections of Passion, is Yanni's 6th album released in the year 1990. The album features some of the most successful tracks of Yanni. The album was at #1 on "Billboard's "Top New Age Albums" chart, and at #29 on the "Billboard 200" chart in the same year.

"This album represents my life's passions during the past ten years. It is an expression of love for the people in my life, as well as for some very special and inspiring places I can never forget"
- Yanni

Whatever value it holds for Yanni, the title track of this album is very very special to me. Whenever I listen this track, I instantly go back to my childhood days. I remember the special moments of my life- my love, my relationships, my brother sisters. How I used to play, how I I used to laugh, how I used to quarrel , how I used to cry , then how others try to make me laugh again........... how I....... please don't disturb me now and listen the track here-


Whenever I feel tired, want to be relaxed, Yanni comes to my mind. Whenever I feel sad, want to console my heart, Yanni comes to my mind. Yanni is related to almost all of my emotions. What ! What is Yanni ? Who is Yanni ??
Yanni, firstly, is a pianist. He also composes music and plays keyboards. Yanni hasn't gone through any formal training, he is a self taught pianist. He was even unable to read a music note. After his graduation in Psychology, he decided to make his life in Music. Then Yanni hasn't looked back. He became one of the most famous pianist, composer of all time. Some of his compositions are regarded having the Mozart Effect. Yanni is also one of the few composers to receive the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters by the regents of the University of Minnesota. He was also one of the few performers allowed to perform at the Taj Mahal, India.

You can read more about Yanni here.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by...

If you smile with your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
if you'll

Smile is a song that is very very close to my heart. I listen this song whenever I feel sad, lonely, my heart heavy. The song always forces me to cheer up, gives hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Smile is a light pop song composed by the famous & great Charlie Chaplin and lyriced by John Turner and
Geoffrey Parsons. Charlie Chaplin used 'smile' as a soundtrack for his movie Modern Times. The track is used in the closing scene of the movie where Charlie, after a neverending rough phase of life, walking down on a road at dawn, towards still an uncertain but hopeful future.

'Smile ' has been sung by many artist, from Nat King Cole to Westlife. The best known,however, is of Nat King Cole. Michael Jackson has also included it in his Album History. While Nat King Cole's singing is very much optimistic, Michael's version, to me, sounds little more sad, though still with optimism. He also has given his personal touch to the music.

Listen The Song Here-
Nat King Cole
Michael Jackson

Monday, March 24, 2008


Furioso is an Aria written by George Frideric Handel. I don't have much information about the Aria. However, furioso, is an italian word, means "with great force or vigor; vehemently" or "in a tempestuous and vigorous manner". I don't even know what the singer is singing. And Its lyrics isn't available on net. But I very much enjoy it while listening. Music of this aria is very much elevating, inspiring, spirit uplifting and the same time thought provoking.

Now I am listening to 'Furioso' produced by Café del Mar. Café del Mar Aria is a CD compilation series that combines Chill out music with opera arias.

Furioso is available in Café del Mar Aria Volume 3.

You can listen the track here.


Today, my mood is all set to listen some Arias, especially those produced by Café del Mar. You must be thinking now what is an Aria. And some of you or may be all of you who already know must be laughing at me...Image and video hosting by TinyPic

What is an Aria ? Aria is an Italian word for the word Air which in plural, Arie or Arias in common usage. Aria is a piece of music mostly used in Opera. An aria may also be a melodic solo song that is reflective in nature and accompanied by orchestral arrangements. The middle section of an aria is often contrasting. It is used to express a moment of importance in the action of an opera.

The aria first appeared in the 14th century when it signified a manner or style of singing or playing. Aria could also mean a melodic scheme (motif) or pattern for singing a poetic pattern, such as a sonnet. It was also attached to instrumental music, though this is no longer the case. Over time, arias evolved from simple melodies into a structured form.By the early 18th century an aria was a song in three sections, of which the third repeated the first, while the second introduced variety of subject matter, key, and mood. This is known more exactly as the ‘da capo aria’. Later, less rigid forms developed, sometimes based on sonata form (Mozart), and later shaped by the dramatic action of an opera.

Here is some sample of Aria-

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Gloomy Sunday

Sunday is the day today. Sunday, holiday, is generally meant for rest , a day of fun, party, laughter, get together. But for some, this day may not be what it is meant to be. Yesterday, my elder brother called me from Delhi. For some unknown reason he was sounding very depressed. Today, I called him again. He is still very upset. He didn't tell what's the reason behind his depression. I guessed it is somewhat related to his career. Gloomy Sunday for him, isn't it ? Anyway......

......Today, I have selected to post on a song called "Gloomy Sunday". When I first heard it, I liked it very much, for it is, musically, very much relaxing. But its lyrics is depressing. At that time, I didn't find the song as gloomy as I am feeling it today.

"Gloomy Sunday" is popularly known as "The Hungarian Suicide Song". It was banned from the radio for years due to its depressing lyrics. It is considered the most haunted song in the world due to the many suicides that occured directly after people heard the song in Hungary. But according to some, the suiside thing was a rumor, rumored by the record company itself as a part of publicity or marketing strategy.

Gloomy Sunday, though recorded and performed by many singers, is closely associated with Billie Holliday, who scored a hit version of the song in 1941. The song was originally written and composed in 1933 by Rezső Seress, a self-taught pianist and composer of Hungary. The crushing hopelessness and bitter despair which characterised the first two stanzas penned by Seress were superseded by the more mournful, melancholic verses of Hungarian poet László Jávor. Sam M. Lewis and Desmond Carter each translated the song into English. But the immense popularity of the song was the work of Billie Holliday. He interpreted the song by adding a third stanza to assuage the pessimistic tone, giving the song slightly dreamy feeling.

I, personally, like the version sung by Sarah Brightman(Album-La Luna). It is little orchestral and jazzy which I always like.
Sarah's singing and the music creates the right mood for the song. I also like the dreamy variation of Sarah more than the other versions, her singing and the music create the right mood for the song.

You can read the the background of such a depressing lyrics and music here.

Listen the song here.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Life in Mono

OK. Don't panic. No classical today. Let's hear something different. What about a jazz, blue or ambient. Ok, lets go straight to the point. I am talking about "Life in Mono". I think many of you already aware of it.

'Life in Mono' is a one-hit wonder by the UK pop band 'Mono'. It was released in 1996 on the band's first EP. Then It was released again in another album called Formica Blues which contains some other songs and some remixes. The song was an instant hit when released for first time. It was in #28 position of Billboard's Modern Rock Tracks, #70 in the Billboard Hot 100, and #60 in UK Singles Chart. And here comes the the bad part, that is the song is the only one hit of Mono in the entire album. However, personally, I think other songs are not that bad but they don't come near the quality and feelings of 'life in mono'.

Offtopic. Are you in to literature and movies also? Because The song was also used as a soundtrack for 1998 version of Charles Dickens's Great Expectations. In the movie, the song is complementary to Ethan Hawke(Finnegan Bell)'s character's predicaments. But pity is that the song was not used anywhere in the movie but in the ending credit. If used, the track would have suited the mood of the film perfectly.

The song was sung and released again in Emma Bunton's album titled 'Life in Mono'. And in my opinion, "original is always worth more than a copy" and it applies to Emma's version of 'life in mono' as well.

Is the song really good ? Believe me, its a must-have song though you may think it won't be wise enough to purchase an album to listen only one song. But still you should get it. The song is little trip hop, little melancholic, deeply atmospheric with intensely wistful lyrics. it is one of the most enchanting song I ever heard. I will rate this song 8 out of 10 and certainly this is what I call music.

Listen the song here

Watch the video here

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata

Moonlight Sonata is my first step into the world of Classical Music. I remember when I first heard it on the TV on a program about Beethoven, I immediately searched the repeat of that program so that I can record the music. And when I finally purchased the CD, I had listened it through the whole night. It is so soothing, so thought-provoking.

Moonlight Sonata, composed by Ludwig van Beethoven, was first published in 1802. It was dedicated to Beethoven’s pupil and passion, 17 years old Countess Giulietta Gucciardi. The Sonata is one of the most popular piano sonatas from Beethoven’s creation. It is one of the most widely known classical music pieces, and has been since it was composed some 200 years ago.

Why it is called 'Moonlight' sonata ? Originally the name of it was "
The Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-sharp minor". In 1832, a German poet & critic Ludwig Rellstab named it as moonlight sonata as being inspired on a moon lit night on the banks of the Lucerna Lake. Ludwig compared the sonata to moonlight shining upon Lake Lucerne. According to some biographers, the moon image has no connection with Beethoven’s intentions. He rather attributes this atmosphere to the feeling that overwhelmed the composer when he took watch at the side of a friend who prematurely left the world of the living. In one of Beethoven’s manuscripts there are several notes from Mozart’s Don Juan, notes that follow the killing of the Commander by Don Juan, and lower, this passage is rendered in C sharp minor in absolute resemblance to the first part of the sonata in C sharp minor. Analyzing and comparing, one could realize that it cannot be the case of a romantic moon lit night, but rather of a solemn funeral hymn.

The sonata has three movements:

  1. Adagio sostenuto
  2. Allegretto
  3. Presto agitato
You can listen the sonata here

Moonlight Sonata is one of the most well known piano sonatas of all time. It, more than ever, will remain one of the most popular pieces of piano music in history.

Know more about it here.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008


You must have heard a 'sonata' before. What ! You haven't ! Recall again. Haven't you listened to Moonlight Sonata of Beethoven before ? You might have seen The Pianist, then you might have heard it. It is one of the most famous sonata of time.

So what is a sonata ? The word sonata is derived from Italian and Latin word 'sonare' which means 'to sound'. Literally it means a played music piece. The term gained its importance in classical era and towards 19th century became a major principle of composing large scale works. It was applied to most instrumental genres and regarded as one of the fundamental methods of organizing, interpreting and analyzing concert music. Now, Sonata is a piece of music which is composed using a single instrument or solo instrument like a keyboard or violin. In classical era, it undergoes a change of being applied to many different kinds of small instrumental work either a solo instrument, or a solo instrument with piano. Though the sound of sonatas have changed since the Classical Era, 20th century sonatas still maintain the same structure and build. Some of the famous sonatas of all time are, like I already have said, Moonlight sonata(piano sonata no.14 of Beethoven), Spring(Violin Sonata No. 5
of Beethoven ), Piano Sonata No. 8 in A Minor (Mozart), Piano Sonata No. 1 in C Minor(chopin) etc.

Know more about Sonata here

Let's Get Started: Classical Music

By classical music, I am referring to the famous western classicals -classical music of European countries, often called western classical. European classical music differs from any other non-European countries for its use of 'musical notation'. Musical notation is system which represents aurally perceived music through the use of written symbols. European composers use this system to instruct the performer the pitch, speed, meter, rhythm and exact execution of of a piece of music. Classical music has its roots from early 9Th century however the term 'classical music' is used to refer to the golden age of Bach to Beethoven.

Now what is classical music ? We generally have given the name 'classic' to anything that is old. We also terms 'Old is Gold'. Classical music has no specific definition. Vaguely, it can be described any music 'that lasts for a long time'. Classical music can be further observed by comparing to 'Popular music'- music of present, music of our time like rock, pop, jazz, country, trance etc. Though, we refers to a highly successful artist of our time as classic. In this sense, his music can be called classical which is wrong. According to Wiki, "Given the extremely broad variety of forms, styles, genres, and historical periods generally perceived as being described by the term "classical music." Some of the genre or style of classical music are like symphony, sonata, etude, concerto, opera etc.

You can know more about classical music here.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

First Post

When I was younger, I was always searching for good music. In those days, there was no internet, no internet radio, FM etc. The only scope was music channels like MTV or Channel [V]. But as usually, their program schedule consisted 12hours of ad. out of 24hours. Out of those 12hours, 8 hours were devoted to remixes and 4 hours to desi gaane(song). There was very little scope for listening to my type of music. F...i...n...a...l...l...y when the use of internet became cheaper, my leisure hours were and are spent listening to my favorite music pieces.Aaah. God bless internet. I not only archived great musics, but also learned a lot about them. I searched, researched, and understood music theoretically like what is a jazz, what is called classical , what is a ballad, what is a nocturne etc. These understanding helped me to enjoy music even more.

I am writing this blog to let you know what is called music, truly Great Music. I know, it depends entirely on individual taste and choice. However, I think this blog may help those with the same taste as mine.

What I have planned for this blog is to post a piece of music with its history, information, place/shop for its availability along with a short music sample. So that you can also hear what the post is all about. I have a wide variety of taste for music. I will post all of them one by one whenever I am free.

Please note that all the music available in this site is only for the purpose of listening. No copyright infringement is intended. You should purchase the music from any online shop or music store. Say no to download and piracy.

You can also share your favorite music here so that we all can share our taste & knowledge. Please do mail me( or comment here if you want to share or get a particular music of your choice. I will try to get all of them. Have a great time.